Friday, 19 April 2019

how to useful one drive to keep data safe

download one drive for pc or mobile phone
Friends, every person uses mobile phones and computers in this modern time and if you have many types of data or say in order to keep them all in photos, songs, videos or essential document's, you can use memory card or mobile phone in your mobile Keep in storage or use Pen Drive, Hard Disk Drive, etc. But if you are away from your home and you need your data, then you have a memory card, Pen Dri ve, Hard Disk Drive In the drive in which you have placed your data in, you must have it with you.
One Drive Cloud Storage was invented to address this issue.
What is One Drive?
One Drive is a cloud storage service. This is the service of MicroSoft Company, which is a reputed and well-known company. In it, you can keep your personal data, documents, photos, songs, videos, etc. data safe and wherever you are, you can use your data, the document, through the internet. Without any problem By using it you will not need to rotate the Pen Driv, Hard Disk Drive, Memory Card, and there will be no rates of misplacedness. One Drive is already installed in Windows Phone if you run Android phones, then you can download it from the Google Play Store and take advantage of the One Drive service.
             In this you get 10 gb The data storage available up to free However, to use one drive, you must have MSN Count. On the computer, the on drive default keeps the default installation.

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