Friday, 19 April 2019


Advance tips and tricks to use Excel with 100% capacities - Part-1
Most Excel users know how to apply numeric and basic text of text But some users still do not know about Excel's advanced tricks, with the help of which Complex Tasks can be completed quickly and easily.
This post excel tricks will not only help you learn quickly, but they can also be remembered for a long time. In this post, Excel has included the most important features.
1) Monitor important cells in Watch Window:
Many times you are working on large data in Excel and you have to monitor the special cell value which is deployed on this input and there are some calculations and results in it. When we change something in the input cells, we have to see what changes in the data of these cells But if this cell is out of the visual screen, then scrolling down to see this cell every time or if it is in another sheet, it is very difficult to go to another worksheet every time.
But what do you know is that they can keep these cells from the Watch Window of Excel and watch their formula Using Watch Window you will not need to scroll or scroll to another worksheet again
Add cells to the watch window:
Select the cells which you want to watch (These cells should have a formula)
In the Formula Auditing group on the Formulas tab, click on Watch Window
Click the Add Watch button
Click Add
You can move this watch window up, down, left, or right
Double-click on its entry to view any cell in the watch window
Note: You can only add one watch for a cell.
Now whenever you change the data, the watch window shows the change in value of its dependent cell. You can keep the Watch Window anywhere on the worksheet and resize it You can also keep a watch on the worksheet cells from the watch window

2) Use the Fill Handle more effectively:
There is a multipranged, small black dot or square on the right corner below the Phil handle active cell. When you have to copy the contents of one or more cells to the adjacent cells then the Phil handle protects you both time and effort.
A) Fill in a series of numbers, dates, or other built-in series items:
Using Phil Handle, you can quickly fill in numbers or dates or built-in dates, vic de, manth, or ear in cell range with quick speed.
Type the start value in the first cell
In the second cell, type the next value
(For example, if you want a rez of 1, 2, 3 then type 1 and 2 in the first two cells)
Now select both these cells and drag the fill handle
Drag down or right for the ordering order and drag or drop it for decrycing order.

B) Auto Fill Options:
In Microsoft Excel, when you drag the fill handle, then a small button of Auto Fill Options appears in the bottom right side of the field selection. When you click on the Auto Fill Options button, a list of options comes in which cells have several options to fill text or data. These options vary according to data types.

i) Copy Cells:
If you want to copy the value of a cell right away, then select the cell that contains the data and double click on the fill handle.
Note: You can only add one watch for a cell.
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